“Think of the Award as your secret weapon, preparing you not just for exams but for life's unpredictable curveballs."


The Award is frequently celebrated for the opportunities it provides for adventure, the endless possibilities to experience new things, learn new skills, and getting young people out of their comfort zone.

However, its ability to positively compliment academic education is sometimes overlooked.

Parinta, a Gold Award holder from Mauritius, is a shining example of how the Award can encourage young people to thrive both in and out of the classroom and have a truly holistic approach to education. As a top-ranked A-level student in Mauritius, Parinta attributes her success to the Award, calling it a ‘perfect recipe for academic survival and adventure’.

Before starting her Award journey, the State Laureate* was stuck in a cycle of studying, watching TV, and scrolling mindlessly on social media apps like Instagram. And while she was hesitant to take what she and her parents perceived as a ‘distraction’ from her focus on achieving academic excellence, she quickly found solace and calm through her Award activities. She said, “I learned the importance of incorporating relaxation into my routine rather than constantly stressing over exams.” This, in turn, allowed her to be, in her own words, ‘more organised, to take a disciplined approach and become the holistic performer’ she is today.

For the various sections of her Award, Parinta opted to master the guitar, unearthing a deeply held passion she had for music, get physically active through Zumba classes and volunteer with her friends to clean the local temple – something that has since brought them closer together. The experience came with its challenges but pushing through was paramount and Parinta surprised herself from what she learnt throughout her journey as an Award participant.

Reflecting on her final Gold expedition weeks before her mock exams, Parinta is determined the adventure reaffirmed her belief in ‘discipline being the key to success’, conquering doubts and fostering resilience. She’s now certain, more than ever, that growth happens outside of your comfort zone; she said,


It teaches us to navigate life’s challenges, offering valuable lessons in resilience and adaptability… In essence, it equips us not just for academic success but for thriving in life’s tests and trials.


Speaking to all would-be Award participants, Parinta says, “think of the Award as your secret weapon, preparing you not just for exams but for life’s unpredictable curveballs.”

As the young trailblazer sets to embark on the next chapter of her life with a government scholarship to study abroad, her Award experience is one she holds close to her heart— “my gratitude to the Award knows no bounds, for it wasn’t a mere distraction but a guide, illuminating my path to success.”




*A State Laureate in Mauritius is a student who achieves some of the highest grades in the Cambridge International (A Level) Exams, competing for a scholarship. Those topping the list become Laureates in their respective fields.