Continuing the Award in Israel

Here in Israel,the International Award  for Young People (the Award) has not stopped because of COVID-19. We are still practicing sports and learning new skills, just in an adapted way at home.  

Here in Israel, the International Award for Young People (the Award) has not stopped because of COVID-19. We are still practicing sports and learning new skills, just in an adapted way at home.

Instead of having meetings in person, we’re using apps on our phones and computers to communicate with each other. We use the meetings to talk about our week and positive ways we’re using our time; such as creating new goals for the participants to achieve while in quarantine.  Despite speaking behind a screen, we still know how to have fun and keep spirits high.

Our participants would struggle if they had to go without sports during quarantine, so we’ve helped them try new sports that they haven’t tried before. We do this to keep them entertained as all other schools and youth centers are closed.

Israel Covid

Because our participants are at home we encourage them to do Voluntary Service by informing other people on the key messages and actions you can do to stay safe and healthy, in mind and body, during COVID-19. We have also been delivering food to the elderly people in our village.

I hope this difficult period of time is over quickly but here at this point, nothing will stop us from being ourselves and using our time to do many good things through the Award’s framework.