Kenya: Finding new forms of communication
Bronze Award participant, Naomi, chose to learn sign language for the Voluntary Service section of her Award. Now she's using her skills to inform others about health and sanitary precautions during the pandemic.
Naomi is a holder of a certificate in Kenyan sign language from the Kenya Institute of Special Education.
Before social distancing measures were in place she was visiting Zabibu Children’s Centre to assist in sign language interpretation. The centre helps children that live with Autism.
However, with new restrictions on movement in place in Kenya, her plan is to reach out to many more institutions for the hearing impaired, and to share her video clips that demonstrate Government precautionary measures in limiting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Naomi says that she feels that “people living with disability may not be adequately served with information on the pandemic and therefore risk the possibility of being infected with the disease.”