CHALLENGE100: Fundraising tips and resources


6 steps to fundraising success


Customise Your Personal Page

Your fundraising page comes pre-loaded with basic information, but adding your own flair goes a long way.

It Starts With You

Put your money where your mouth is – make a donation to your Challenge100 and ask your supporters to match it.

Send Your E-mail Requests

You know your loved ones best: Personal messages are the best way to ask friends and family to support you.

Get Creative

Bring some love or levity to the lives of your friends and family by doing creative thank yous for donations!

Send a Personal Thank You

Let your donors know why their support means a lot to you! Reach out to them personally to express your gratitude.

Track Your Success

Close to your goal? Ask for help to get you across the finish line! Passed it? Raise it higher!

Social Media Templates

Click any of the images you’d like to use to get redirected to a download page! Share your challenge with your network by using these fun social media assets. Use the badge to stamp your photos during your Challenge100 journey, add the frame to that awesome display photo you have, and share the social post with all of your family and friends so they can support you reach your goal!

Together let’s help young people around the world discover their #InfinitePotential!

Don’t forget to use #AwardChallenge100 to share your challenge with our Global Award family!

Challenge100 Templates 

C100 badge

Click the photo to download – add this badge to your photos.

Challenge100 badge 2

Click the photo to download this frame. Use this frame to show everyone you’re taking part in the Challenge100!

Challenge100 badge 3

Click on the photo to download this social post. Here’s a sample of some text you can add to this photo! “For my Challenge100, I am hiking 100 trails! Will you support me to reach my goal and support young people around the world? #AwardChallenge100 #WORLDREADY