Based on activity ideas for the Voluntary Service section of the Award, why not choose your own community focused challenge for your Challenge100?

Use our ideas below for inspiration.

DOG WALKING: Grab some mates and register with an animal charity to walk 100 dogs between you.

Bermuda dog walk

LITTER PICKING: Help out your community by picking-up 100 pieces of rubbish off the pavements, beaches or parks. Do it alone or get together with a group of friends for even more impact. 
GET TALKING: Pick up the phone to an elderly person for a chat for 100 minutes. You could split this into 10 phone calls for 10 minutes each. It could be a neighbour or through a charity that supports older people.

Phone call

FOOD DONATION: Could help pack 100 food delivery parcels for those in need?


GARDENING: Volunteer to help someone with their gardening for 100 days.


DELIVERIES: Could you deliver the weekly shop for 100 people isolating due to COVID?
person shopping