The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (the Award) and The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) have worked together for many years. The Award is the largest global framework for recognising young people’s achievements in non-formal education and adds another form of global recognition for young people undertaking their Scout Awards.
The Award is not a separate youth movement but works in partnership on a global level with many youth organisations and schools to recognise and celebrate the achievements of young people. Many National Scout Organisations (NSOs) consider it a perfect fit for their youth programme and have integrated it within their recognition frameworks for young people and young leaders.
A lot of work has been done to map NSO youth programmes with the Award framework to show how Scouts can achieve additional recognition just by undertaking Scouting programmes such as the Eagle Scout Award, Queen’s Scout Award, Venturers programme or its equivalent in different NSOs.
With a framework that emphasises learning by doing, personal progression, working in teams, adult support, interactions with nature and community involvement, the Award can support the implementation of the World Scout Youth Programme Policy in your NSO. The Award also provides a clear structure for those wishing to develop or update their youth programme and integration can save valuable resources and time when modernising the youth programme in your NSO.
We have put together a few examples of how some NSOs are using The Award in their youth programme. You may be surprised at how many there are!
More than 20 years ago the UK Scouts decided that their 14-25-year old youth programme would be structured around the Award. Since then, hundreds of thousands of Scouts have gained their Award as part of their Scouting programme. The UK kept its prestigious Queen’s Scout Award but realised the Award offered their young people greater recognition for their achievements and also helped them to build closer links with schools.
Find out more about how our two organisations work together here.
Many members of Scouts Australia earn the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in conjunction with their Scouting. Both Scouting and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award aim to develop the potential of young Australians, no matter their background or circumstances.
Both schemes offer young people challenges and, the opportunity to contribute to their communities as well as the chance for developing leadership and teamwork skills. In 2017 Scouts Australia and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Australia officially recognised each other in a Memorandum of Understanding. Both organisations are now working to put measures in place to make it easier for Scouts Australia members to earn the Award.
The Uganda Scout Association through its various Scout District councils and structures provides an opportunity for The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Uganda to reach many young people from diverse backgrounds throughout the entire country. Through licensing the District Scout Councils, the national partnership has provided the NSO with a purpose-built ready-to-work programme with Scout Leaders. It has minimised the duplication of effort and has also provided a potential reach of close to 1o0,000 young people. The clear laid-out structure has ensured that participants have regular access to the supportive supervision of Scout Leaders. This has ensured better programme completion rates and greatly facilitated the transformation of lives of the young people involved.
United States of America
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has been part of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Venturing programme since 2017. The Award provides a structure that Venturers can use for their programme development while increasing retention. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), exploration of the outdoors, and BSA high adventure camp participation are all recognised as part of the Award USA.
Through participating in the Award, BSA participants have the opportunity to achieve international recognition that is as well-known and well-respected around the world, as their Eagle Scout Award is known and respected in the United States.
Additionally, the Award has the shown potential to attract new Scouts. In locations without an Award Unit, any participant who approaches the Award USA is referred to a local Council within the State. Furthermore, participating in the Award helps STEM Scouts and Explorer Scouts to become Scouts and/or Venturers as they fall in love with the outdoors via the Adventurous Journey section of their Award.
Find out more about the Award USA and the Boy Scouts of America here.
“Living in a refugee camp (Kakuma Refugee camp in Kenya) for most of my childhood life and some part of my teenage life, I lacked mentors and people to look up to hence growing up just to survive and not to learn. I craved for an opportunity to give out what I did not receive in my childhood.
When I came to Nakuru Town in Kenya for my late primary and secondary school education, it was a dream come true, I joined the Award through a Scout Leader and from then my life has changed forever. I have learned and given back to the society by mentoring students which I was not privileged to go through. Today am equipped with skills to make the world a better place to live in.
Whenever I look back and reflect what the award has done for me, I shed tears. From a refugee camp to state house Nairobi and meeting the President. I can write a book about it. It has been a journey full of life memories and doing what I love doing. I am a Scout and I am here to leave the world a better place than I found it.
The Award has made break all obstacles despite the challenges to shake the President’s hand which is a big inspiration to other participants not forgetting where I come from.”
Peter, Kenya
Hong Kong
The Scout Association of Hong Kong is licensed as an Operating Authority by the National Award Office to deliver the Award to all its members. Every Scout in Hong Kong can participate in the Award and gain additional international accreditation for their achievements. In 2019, over 1681 Scouts in Hong Kong participated in the Award.
Aotearoa New Zealand
The Award and Scouts in New Zealand have also signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding, and the two organisations enjoy a great partnership. The simple structured framework of the Award fits perfectly to complement the Venturers programme so young people can achieve double qualifications for their achievements. Download your information booklet here.
As of 2020, over 150 Scouts in Aotearoa New Zealand are actively participating in the Award.
Find out more about the relationship between Scouts and the Award in Aotearoa New Zealand here.
The Scout Association of Nepal have had a formal partnership with the Award for many years. In 2017, both organisations applied successfully for a grant to enable Scouts across the country to take part in their Award. This joint project increased the reach of the Award, and Scouts in Nepal now have the opportunity to gain additional international recognition for their Scouting activities. As of 2020, more than 300 Scouts in Nepal are actively participating in the Award.
Scouting Netherlands and the Award have been partners since 2013. The social engagement of young people is an important aspect for both organisations and they found in each other a shared a common goal to involve young people more actively in their environment. Non-formal education is both a Scouting and an Award method. Through the partnership, Scouts can use their Scouting activities to complete their Award. The partnership has also provided an excellent platform for Scouting Netherlands to engage with more non-Scouts. This has given them opportunity to develop further at group, regional and national levels through their volunteer work, as well as developing individual talents through collaborating and learning from all kinds of great activities, events and projects, both at home and abroad.
Scouting is focused on the outdoors and the Award’s Adventurous Journey section fits perfectly with that. Organised Adventurous Journeys within Scouting in the Netherlands are open to participation of Award participants who are not members of Scouting Netherlands and this has helped increase their national membership by inviting new Award participants to the Scouting family.
The Scouts of Cyprus has had a formal partnership with the Award since 2013. Since then, Scouts in Cyprus have been able to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in conjunction with their Scouting programme. Scouts of Cyprus were pleased to add international accreditation to their national Scouting programmes. Any young person wishing to participate in the Award in Cyprus can do so through Scouts of Cyprus.
Scouts Canada’s mission is “To develop well rounded youth, better prepared for success in the world.”
While not exclusive to Scouting, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award programme has much in common with The Canadian Path, emphasising outdoor adventure and community service, and supporting your personal development. Fulfilling your goals on The Canadian Path could help you to earn The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, which you can wear proudly on your Scouting uniform.
Scouts Canada signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in 2010. This formalised the cooperative relationship that has existed on an international level between the two organizations for many years. All members of Scouting between the ages of 14 and 25 are entitled to register for The Duke of Edinburgh International Award for free.
Common Scout programme activities can often be used towards counting as part of various Award sections. What is more, the Award will help participants learn a variety of soft skills that almost every business and post-secondary institution are looking for: perseverance, planning, responsibility, problem-solving and communication skills.
Find out more about the Scouts in Canada here.
What is more…
These successful partnerships between the Award and NSOs have provided countless benefits for both organisations and the young people with whom they work. The Award is a tried and tested tool to promote growth and stability for NSOs around the world by complimenting existing Scouting programmes, increasing scouting members and providing internationally recognised accreditation for scouts. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation has developed new licensing models to support NSOs globally and is looking to partner with more NSOs wanting to provide the best development for their young people. To find out how your NSO may benefit from partnering with the Award please see how to become licenced as an Operating Partner to deliver the Award or contact us here.