Photo comp: Aaron, USA
Photo comp: Aaron, USA
Photo comp: Aaron, USA
Award Level:
United States
Tell us the story behind your photo:
This photograph was taken before my marching band's performance at Northern Arizona University (NAU) during a competition. In this picture, my friends and I pretended to thumb a lift while walking towards the stadium. We are part of the high brass section, and I am the trumpet player second from the right. I like this photo because it symbolizes how my bandmates are still able to enjoy the moment and have fun even before intense competitions. The most challenging part of this competition was that it was freezing in Flagstaff, partly because of the higher altitude, making it easier to get tired while marching. When we got off our warm bus, we had to quickly retune our instruments because of the cold, which made it difficult for everyone to be in tune. Fortunately, our team spirit was strong, and we cheerfully helped one another while warming up for an hour by playing some parts of our show. We then performed at 6:00 pm inside the stadium at NAU. Ultimately, we all did well and placed second out of seven of other marching bands in our division.
Award Role: