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Noticing that litter is a problem is the first step in taking action to create a cleaner, more sustainable planet. Having a clean, healthy neighbourhood benefits all members of the community. We are spending more time outdoors enjoying our natural surroundings. Unfortunately, some areas are in need of a clean-up. Tidying up our neighbourhood can have a big impact on the community, as well as the environment. Litter can disrupt the ecosystem of our environment because it can attract many different rodents, that can carry harmful diseases. This can become harmful to animals or children, who might pick up dirty trash, step on it, or even ingest it. I choose to do this activity as a sense of responsibility towards the environment. People are suffering because of the environment condition. Due to this, we all need to feel responsible. It also made me active at times like Covid. My story's aim and motivation was to spread awareness that we all are here to create a better future. Doing this I have learned many different skills and lessons.
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