Photo comp: Olivia Harvey, Australia
Photo comp: Olivia Harvey, Australia
Photo comp: Olivia Harvey, Australia
Olivia Harvey
Award Level:
Favourite memory of the Award:
My favourite memory would be sitting around the campfire at night. We would all be exhausted from our day of hiking, but we would work together to collect firewood and then sit down to play games such as mafia, and telling stories.
Biggest challenge from doing the Award:
Getting ready for the hikes, such as packing the bags and getting up early to leave, would be challenging. Leaving to hike for 7 days seems intimidating, yet once I was there, I would thoroughly enjoy myself.
Have you continued any of your Award activities? If so, what:
I have continued with Acrobatic Gymnastics, competing in National and State competitions, training since the age of 4. I also continue with flute where I will be completing my Certificate of Performance. I will further go on hikes with friends and family.
Tell us the story behind your photo:
This was the highest mountain we had to climb during our hike. It was challenging to reach the top, but we encouraged each other, and rotated who led the line so that we worked together. The view at the top was definitely worth the hike. We stopped for lunch and sat admiring the view, it was awe-inspiring and one of my favourite parts of the journey.
Award Role: