Participants 'feel like life is beautiful'
Inside an Early Childhood Development Centre in Nepal is Butterfly Homes; a residential home that supports children who are living in prison with their parents.
Started by Pushpa Basnet, it aims to provide a homely environment for children who otherwise would be serving their parents’ sentences with them. Instead, Butterfly Homes helps them to access their fundamental rights – food, clothes, shelter and education.
And now, many of these young people are participants of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.
Pushpa is not only the founder of the residential home, but also an Award Coordinator.
After receiving support from the Foundation’s Special Projects grant giving fund, Pushpa introduced the Award into Butterfly Homes, and believes it is already having a life-changing impact on the young participants.
“When I got to know about The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award program, I strongly believed it is a perfect platform that channels youth into activities that boost self-esteem, promote positive lifestyle changes and create well-rounded individuals”, said Pushpa.

Participants take part in various activities, such as cooking food on a fire, taekwondo, planting vegetable gardens, performing classical dance through the meditation form of Buddhashim Charya and hiking in the forest.
“The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award has really helped in forming a bond among the kids. There is already a deep interest and passion for the Award here.”
And Pushpa believes that many more places like Butterfly Homes could also benefit from running the Award.
“I strongly believe that programs like The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award should be run more at homes like this, where participants are encouraged and make them feel life is beautiful.”
“Due to unavailability of other opportunities, perhaps these young people are the ones who benefit the most from the Award.”
Butterfly Homes is supported by funding from The Foundation’s Special Projects grant-giving program, which helps more at-risk and marginalized young people to access the Award. With your help, more projects like this one can take place.