Since the inception of the Award almost 70 years ago, thousands of Volunteers worldwide have dedicated their time and effort to supporting young people on their Award journeys. From coordinating Adventurous expeditions to signing-up new Award participants and mentoring them through the process, we couldn’t do what we do without them. Their role in the success of the Award’s impact and reach cannot be understated.  

The majority of the Award volunteers are made up of adult leaders – those who mentor young people as they take part in the Award. Many of them are teachers and youth workers running the Award in addition to their job.  The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation provides a comprehensive training programme for a variety of roles for Adults in the Award from Operators around the world.  


Watch the Adults in the Award film 


Award Leaders

Meet Precious, who works as a Programme Manager for youth organisation Afrika Tikkun. Precious became involved when the Award was introduced into her centre in 2022.  And it wasn’t long before the participants inspired her to get involved and learn more about herself while supporting the participants.  

It was very important for her to learn alongside the young people, choosing to get more involved and push herself, in order to experience and understand  what they were going through.

Read more 

How to get involved? 

We are working to ensure the Award continues to be available to young people around the world. To deliver this we need to substantially increase the number of adult volunteers worldwide, making sure we have the right people in the right place, with the right skills to deliver the Award. 

Want to get involved in the Award? Get in touch with your local Operator here or email [email protected] to find out how you can make a difference.