Photo comp: Rose, Kenya
Photo comp: Rose, Kenya
Photo comp: Rose, Kenya
Award Level:
Tell us the story behind your photo:
I have always loved to challenge myself. We were with a group of friends, doing team building activities, including hiking the Ngong hills. At one point, each of us was giving a narration of their favourite activity for the sections of the Award at that time. I said the personal exercise that I was doing for my physical recreation. I was then asked to show something new that I had learned to do. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would manage with the exhaustion of the activities through the morning. However, I was willing to try. I wanted to do what I call an abnormal star jump. Instead of clapping my hands together while jumping, I had to clap my hand on to my leg on the left and on the right. Hilarious and sounds like something for gymnasts, yeah? I have learnt to not disappoint especially when someone believes in me. I jumped up high with so much energy, but I jumped. I salute the photographer who captured me in the air because I don't think I would have managed such a height again before taking a good rest or re-energizing. Hiking is fun. Team building is more fun and realizing that I can do more than I think is the most interesting. The limit is beyond my thoughts.
Award Role:
Award Volunteer