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China: Self-quarantine experience from Beijing, China
announcement 27.09.21
My family and I have been in self-quarantine since 24 January in Beijing, I am sharing my personal experience to give you some ideas on how to support your mental health through this experience. ...
Delivering the Award during the COVID-19 virus outbreak: Ideas to help participants continue to progress their Award from home
announcement 27.09.21
Millions of people around the world have been affected by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. In many places, schools and youth organisations may be closed and people confined to their homes to reduce the spread ...
The Award joins the call for greater global recognition of – and investment into – non-formal education and learning
announcement 27.09.21
In December 2019 the Award joined more than 70 international organisations, youth organisations and UN entities from across the non-formal education and learning sector, to discuss the growing importance ...
The ‘Big 6’ Youth Serving Organisations release joint statement on non-formal education
announcement 14.10.21
The 'Big 6' have released a joint statement which reinforces their commitment to the world's youth. ...
Reduced offending
award_story 15.11.21
Young people are less likely to be involved in violence and criminal activities, due to the life skills they develop through participating in the Award and the increased social inclusion they experience ...
Increased social cohesion
award_story 15.11.21
As a result of participating in Award activities, young people have increased respect for diversity and ability to accept differences as a result of increased social interaction with people from different ...